Hypnobirthing – A Dad’s Perspective

Hypnobirthing – A Dad’s Perspective

What do birth partners really think about hypnobirthing?     So many partners I meet write hypnobirthing off as ‘hippie-nonsense’ and are somewhat skeptical, to say the least. They often come to classes out of ‘duty’ rather than any...

Jenn’s healing natural birth

I met Jenn and her husband as they prepared for the birth of their second baby through the Hypnobubs online course and one-on-one session. Read all about Jenn’s rewarding, positive, healing birth. Hi Kate, Apologies for the late response. Yes, we had our...
Do I need a vaginal exam in labour?

Do I need a vaginal exam in labour?

  It is a question that comes up all the time with Mums-to-be – Do I have to have a vaginal exam during labour? And the simple answer is, no. You do not need to have a vaginal exam during labour. Or pregnancy for that matter. It is important to remember...