by Kate Vivian | Nov 26, 2019 | Uncategorized
Hypnobirthing is not just about preparing for a natural birth. Nor is it about planning a particular birth. Hypnobirthing helps you prepare for any turn your birthing takes. Lauren tells all about how her birthing journey looked completely different to how she thought...
by Kate Vivian | Nov 15, 2019 | Uncategorized
Hi Kate, Just want to say a big thank you for teaching and preparing both Ross and I for our birthing experience. Here is how it all started… At 7am I began to have some intense period like cramping not lasting very long. I let Ross know who then started...
by Kate Vivian | Nov 8, 2019 | Uncategorized
Is watching One Born Every Minute good preparation for childbirth? Based on the earlier UK episodes, I have always said no to this. In fact, I openly tell my pregnant clients NOT to watch it. So when the Australian version came out, I started watching it, with...