Hypnobirthing Australia™ gives you all the tools to make the best decisions for yourself and your baby. Read how Beth and her partner were able to make informed, educated decisions together.

It took exactly 24 hours from my waters breaking to us meeting our beautiful baby boy.


Reflecting upon our labour you could be forgiven for thinking that the 16 hours of active labour was a horrific experience, on the contrary, my partner and I look back on this as one of the most positives experiences we’ve shared together. The fact is it could have been a negative experience had it not been for Kate. Kate provided us with information, backed by scientific research, which instilled us with confidence to ask questions of our caregivers throughout our pregnancy, labour and beyond.  Having this knowledge meant we were able to provide detailed birth preferences to our midwife prior to the big day which were respected by our caregivers.

‘..my partner and I look back on this as one of the most positives experiences we’ve shared together.’

After a prolonged second stage our baby was finally delivered via an emergency caesarean. At no point in this process did my partner and I feel as though we had relinquished complete control to our caregivers. Kate had instilled us with the confidence to question further interventions and together with our amazing midwife we managed to avoid also having an episiotomy and attempted forcep delivery, both of which the obstetrician whom delivered our baby acknowledged would have eventuated in the same outcome of a caesarean.

I believe it was invaluable attending the hypnobirthing classes with my partner as he became more involved in the pregnancy and felt empowered to ask questions during our prenatal appointments. He became my gatekeeper during labour as we had made every decision together prior to the day and were both on the same page when it came to our birthing preferences.

At one point during my labour an intern asked if I were in any pain during my surges. I asked her why she had queried this and her response was that I didn’t seem to be in any pain, that I was quiet, focused and just breathed through each surge. Thanks to Kate’s guided meditations, hypnobirthing breathing techniques and maintaining an active labour I was able to control my perceived rate of pain throughout much of the labour.

‘.. (midwife) response was that I didn’t seem to be in any pain, that I was quiet, focused and just breathed through each surge.’

I look back on my baby’s birth as an incredibly positive experience shared with my partner and supported by amazing caregivers. Thanks to Kate’s incredible knowledge, passion and guidance throughout my pregnancy I didn’t fear labour, rather felt excited to meet our beautiful baby boy and felt a sense of acceptance when the birth didn’t quite go to plan, as they say, birthing preferences are just that, preferences.

Thank you Kate, from the bottom of our hearts!

Beth & Baby L – Perth