How to tune into your body during pregnancy

How to tune into your body during pregnancy

And why tuning into your body during pregnancy helps with birth From a young age we many of us are conditioned to NOT listen to our body. We are encouraged to keep going, even when we want to rest. To push through, rather than listen to what our body is telling us....

How can I prevent tearing during labour?

Tearing during birth would have to be one of the biggest fears I hear about when talking to pregnant women (closely followed by ‘I don’t want to poo in front of everyone’) It’s important to remember that the vagina is designed to birth a baby....
VBAC Birth Options Perth

VBAC Birth Options Perth

Where can I have a VBAC in Perth? Vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC) can be a safe and satisfying birth option for many women who have had a previous caesarean, yet the rates of VBAC remain low. Finding the right care provider can helps your chances of a successful...