Write your own positive birth story

Hypnobirthing Australia Classes

You want your pregnancy and birth to be some of the most incredible days of your life.

You want a birth experience that is awe-inspiring and goosebump worthy.

You want to approach your pregnancy and birth feeling confident and empowered. And you want to feel confident that you are making the best decisions for yourself and your baby.

But there’s so much information. Everyone has an opinion. And no one is asking you what you want.

What if you could make the decisions?

What if you could have that positive birth you want?

I’m here telling you can.

But it doesn’t just happen. It takes preparation, knowledge, support, and the confidence to use your voice.

And Hypnobirthing Australia classes can help you do exactly that.

I’m Kate Vivian, mum of three and a bit of a pregnancy and birth nerd!

I’m here telling you that you can make the decisions. And you can have the positive birth you want.

But it doesn’t just happen. It takes preparation, knowledge, support, and the confidence to use your voice. And Hypnobirthing Australia classes do just that.

How do I know?

Because I’m a hypnobirthing mum. And this was me not long after the birth of my second baby. A birth which was empowering, healing and incredibly positive. Moments after this bub was born I knew two things. One, I couldn’t wait to do it again. And two, I couldn’t wait to share the Hypnobirthing Australia program with other mums-to-be.

Ready to start writing your own positive birth story?

Book an upcoming class in Fremantle

Hypnobirthing Australia class options.

Whether you are working towards a natural birth or know you are having a caesarean, there is a Hypnobirthing Australia option for you.

From group classes held in Fremantle, to private classes, to online options – or a combination of these, we can work together to find the option that best suits your needs.

Hypnobirthing Australia™ classes give you childbirth education with a difference through;


  • the ability to create and maintain a positive mindset, changing our thoughts and feelings around birth.
  • specific tools and techniques to use during labour to create a calm, positive and empowering birth experience, including visualisations, relaxation, touch and breathing
  • evidence-based information including the process of birth, the pros and cons of procedures surrounding birth, and making your own decisions
  • practical tools for birth partners

Hypnobirthing Australia™ Positive Birth classes - Fremantle

Positive Caesarean Birth Course



Hypnobubs® - Hypnobirthing Online Course



Hypnobirthing has taken away the fear factor and made me and my partner feel confident and in control of the birth process. I strongly recommend the course.


 Upcoming Group Classes

No further classes scheduled for 2022


What is hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing uses tools such as relaxation, breathing, self-hypnosis and affirmations to work with your body to birth your baby into a calm, positive, mindful environment.

Our course teaches self-hypnosis, relaxation and breathing techniques to help you and your birth partner calmly and positively deal with your baby’s birth. It is a natural approach to birth but it is not  ‘natural or nothing’ – this is what makes the Hypnobirthing Australia program so unique; it is designed for whatever journey your baby takes to enter the world.

Can I bring my partner?

Absolutely. Whether it is your husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, partner, best friend, sister, mum, or first-grade teacher, birth partners are not only welcomed but encouraged to attend.

Partners can often feel a little lost or overwhelmed when it comes to supporting you during labour and birth. Hypnobirthing Australia classes give your partner practical ways to support you and the knowledge to feel confident doing so.

Where are classes held?

Group classes are held in South Fremantle.

Private classes are held in the comfort of your own home.

When is the best time to start classes?

I normally recommend starting between 20 and 30 weeks – however, it’s never too late!


I can't make group classes - are there other options?

Yes definitely. I offer private classes, combinations of group and private or group and online options, or the Hypnobubs online option (including private session).

Will I be clucking like a chicken?

No! There is no watch-swinging or chicken clucking here.

Hypnobirthing Australia classes teach self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis is simply a deep state of relaxation where you focus on one thing to the distraction of others. It is a state you are in multiple times a day. I will give you the skills to go into this deeply relaxed state when you need it most – during labour!

Still have questions feel free to contact me – I’m always happy to chat!