Positive Caesarean Course


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Prepare for a positive, joyful caesarean birth!

As a Hypnobirthing Autralia™ Positive Caesarean Birth Course Practitioner and a caesarean Mum, here are 5 things I recommend doing as you lead up to that beautiful day you get to meet your baby…



  1. Having a positive mindset so that you can approach your birth from a place of positivity and excitement rather than fear.
  2. Learning different tools to help you remain calm and relaxed in the lead up to, and on the day itself
  3. Knowing your options A caesarean birth does not mean you no longer have options…. find out what these options are
  4. Having a birth partner who has the tools to support you and can help you remain calm and relaxed
  5. Preparing you mind and body for pregnany, birth and recovery

In this world first Positive Caesarean Birth Course we go through all of this and so much more!


What we cover;

  • Healthy Mind and Body – preparing your mind and body for pregnancy, birth and recovery

  • Toolkit for birth – giving you and your birth partner practical tools you can use during your birth

  • Knowledge is Power – giving you the information to be able to make educated choices around your birth

  • Support Crew – tips for birth partners and how to communicate with your caregivers

  • Releasing Fears – identifying any limiting beliefs or fears and giving you the tools to address  these

  • Preparation, Key to success – including a routine for practice


Running over 4 hours in the privacy of your home, I will give you all the tools you need to have a positive, joyous birth experience.

Cost $440

Hear from other Bright Mums

“Myself and my husband completed The Positive Caesarean Birth course today with Kate and I couldn’t recommend it more highly. My husband was a bit of a sceptic as we had an ok Caesarean experience first time around so he didn’t really see the point but even he was converted.

The tools and techniques that we learnt well be invaluable leading up to and during the birth, and I feel like I have a much better idea of what I want my birth to look like and what I can and can’t ask for from my medical team.
I’m looking forward to a much calmer, more in control birth this time around.”

Cat, Perth

Ready for you own positive caesarean birth?

Get your free guide – Questions to ask your caregiver