Hypnobirthing during Covid

Hypnobirthing during Covid

My incredible hypnobirth – plus Covid! Hey Kate!! Sorry this is has taken so long to get to you!    It’s a bit of a ride so strap on in haha!  29th of April I’m 39 weeks (well 38+6) I was scheduled in for an induction at 11am at (our hospital). We...
Hypnobirthing – Birth Centre

Hypnobirthing – Birth Centre

Early labour started at about 3am on my due date just with some period pain like cramping and I lost my mucous plug. The cramping continued throughout the day without really getting stronger or more regular and I was expecting this to go on for days. I had thankfully...
My epic hypnobirth – accidental home birth

My epic hypnobirth – accidental home birth

Hypnobirthing for an accidental home birth I first met Kelli and Dave when they joined me for Hypnobirthing Australia Positive Birth classes before the birth of their first baby. It was such an honour to be asked to do a refresher with them before they welcomed their...
My healing third birth

My healing third birth

Hi Kate,   This email is very long….  it has taken me a little while to write.    I  arrived home from Fiona Stanley Hospital after giving birth to our third baby on Thursday morning on the 18th. My previous traumatic experiences  I thought I would share with...