by Kate Vivian | Dec 15, 2021 | Uncategorized
Hi Kate, This email is very long…. it has taken me a little while to write. I arrived home from Fiona Stanley Hospital after giving birth to our third baby on Thursday morning on the 18th. My previous traumatic experiences I thought I would share with...
by Kate Vivian | Jan 4, 2021 | birth, pregnancy
Tearing during birth would have to be one of the biggest fears I hear about when talking to pregnant women (closely followed by ‘I don’t want to poo in front of everyone’) It’s important to remember that the vagina is designed to birth a baby....
by Kate Vivian | Oct 27, 2020 | hypnobirthing australia
Hi Kate, Sorry I haven’t been able to reply to you, we had a baby!!! It was such an amazing experience! I felt so calm and prepared for the labour and the training definitely helped I’d been getting mild contractions all week, but they would only last...
by Kate Vivian | Oct 2, 2020 | birth, hypnobirthing australia
Our beautiful baby boy arrived on 20/08/20, 8:34pm, weighing 3090g and 50cm long. Though we’d planned to go through the birth centre, baby’s early arrival meant we couldn’t do so. Despite this, it was a fantastic experience and we were so lucky to be...
by Kate Vivian | Jun 22, 2020 | birth, labour
Labour and birth can often bring the unexpected at unexpected times. When Vikki was diagnosed with cholestasis at 37 weeks, they made the decision to be induced. As it turns out, her body and baby were getting ready for labour anyway. Read all about how hypnobirthing...