Jess’ drug-free VBAC

Jess’ drug-free VBAC

Hi Kate, Just want to say a big thank you for teaching and preparing both Ross and I for our birthing experience. Here is how it all started… At 7am I began to have some intense period like cramping not lasting very long. I let Ross know who then started...
My own positive VBAC story

My own positive VBAC story

This is the story of my third bub and second successful VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean) The day I went into labour, something just felt different. I went to the gym in the morning as normal but included 120 squats – anything to try and get this baby moving...
My own positive VBAC story

Tips for a successful VBAC

Here are my 10 tips for a successful VBAC – from my own VBAC journey. My first birth was a non-elective (emergency) c-section. My next two births were both VBACs, so I know it is possible! For some women, subsequent births via c-sections may be necessary. Or it...